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In the context of the SCIM protocol, "Groups" refer to a collection of users. A group has a unique identifier and consists of members, which are typically users. Groups are used to manage common access to resources across multiple users. SCIM provides a standardized way to create, read, update, and delete group resources through a RESTful API. The group resources are represented as JSON objects, and include information such as the group's display name, members, and other relevant attributes.

List Groups

To list all groups with the SCIM protocol, you would send a GET request to the /Groups endpoint. This will return a list of all group resources in a JSON format.

Each group resource in the list will include information such as the group's unique identifier, display name, and members. The members are typically represented as an array of user identifiers.

List Groups Including Members

SCIM permits the return of attributes only when specifically requested. The attributes parameter can be used to specify which attributes should be returned. Typically, the members attribute is returned only upon explicit request.

Create Group

Create a group by sending a POST HTTP request to the /Groups endpoint.


The SCIM specification does not define attribute name for Groups. However, attribute displayName is defined and is required.

Create Group with Members

Although uncommon, it is allowed to create a group and assign members in a single request.

Assign User to Group

Remove User from Group

There are multiple methods available for removing users from groups. This SCIM server currently supports the following method. You may specify multiple members to be removed.

Patch Group