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Custom Resource Types

SCIM allows for the extension of its standard resource types to meet your specific needs. Besides the standard User and Group resource types provided out-of-the-box, it is possible to introduce custom resource types.

The SCIM Playground uses the custom resource type Office.

This page shows how to create and list this custom resource type. Check the playground pages for Users and Groups to find what other operations are possible.

Create Custom SCIM Resource Type

To create a new custom SCIM resource type like Office, you would send a POST request to the specific endpoint, such as /offices with a JSON object in the request body containing the new objects's information.

The server will respond with a JSON object representing the newly created custom resource.

"schemas": [
"name": "New York Office"

Assign Custom Resource to User

/Offices/Click to fill ⚡
"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "add",
"path": "employees",
"value": [
"value": "Click to fill ⚡"

List Custom SCIM Resource Type


List including relations

SCIM permits the return of attributes only when specifically requested. The attributes parameter can be used to specify which attributes should be returned. In this case, the employees attribute is returned only upon explicit request.
